List of Pigeon Genes

See also: List of Pigeon Phenotypes

Locus nameMutant alleles (genetic symbols)Notes
The ac locus Lethal achondroplasia (ac)
The al locusAlbino (al)
The am locusAmputated (am)
The An locus Anthracite (An)May be identical to the Drz locus.
The at locusAtaxia (at)
The b locusAsh red (BA), brown (b) Known as the “base colour” locus.
The Bh locusBaldhead pied (Bh)
The Bl locusBleached (Bl)
The C locusBarless (c), check (C), T-pattern (CT) Known as the “base pattern” locus.
The ca locus Cataract (ca)
The cl locusClumsy (cl)
The Cnc locusChinese nasal crest (Cnc)
The cr locusPeak crest (cr)
The Cu1 locusCurl 1 (Cu1)Part of the frillback phenotype.
The Cu2 locusCurl 2 (Cu2)Part of the frillback phenotype.
The cy locusCrazy (cy)
The d locusDilute (d), pale (dp), extreme dilute (dex)
The da locusDark eye (da)
The ds locusDavis syndrome (ds)
The dsc locusDeutsch scraggly (dsc)
The Drz locusDrizzle (Drz) May be identical to the An locus.
The e locusRecessive red (e), ember (eEm)
The ecr locusEye crest (ecr)
The er locusErratic (er)
The F locusFrayed (F)
The fb locusFeed blind (fb)
The fg locusFringe (fg)
The fs locusFrill Stencil (fs)
The fz locusFrizzy (fz)
The G locusGrizzle (G)Possibly a number of other alleles.
The gy locusGrizzly (gy)
The gr locusGrouse (gr)
The Ic locusIce (Ic)
The In locusIndigo (In)
The K locusKite (K)
The L locusSilky (L)
The mi locusMicrophthalmia (mi)
The my locusMilky (my)
The Nn locusNaked neck (Nn)
The o locusRecessive opal (o), cherry (och)
The Od locus Dominant opal (Od)
The p locusPorcupine (p)
The pb locusLead (pb)
The pd locusPink-eyed dilute (pd)
The pl locusPlatinum (pl)
The py locusPolydactyly (py)
The r locusReduced (r), rubella (rru)
The ro locusRolling (ro)
The ros locus Rosette crest (ros)
The ry locusRusty (ry)
The S locusSpread (S)
The Saf locusSaffron (Saf)
The Sb locusSideburns (Sb)
The sc locusScraggly (sc)
The skpy locusShow King polydactyly (skpy)
The Sl locusSlipper (Sl)
The So locusSooty (So)
The St locusStipper (St), qualmond (StQ), sandy (StSa), frosty (Stfr), faded (StF), chalky (StC), hickory (StH)A frequently mutating locus, more may be added.
The t locusTharp polydactyly (t), Hasz polydactyly (tH)
The tr locusPearl eye (tr)
The Ts1 locusToy Stencil 1 (Ts1) Sometimes also called “Mahogany” (Ma)
The Ts2 locusToy Stencil 2 (Ts2)
The ts3 locusToy Stencil 3 (ts3)
The V locusDirty (V), smoky (vsy)
The w locusWeb foot (w)
The Wh locusDominant white (Wh)
The wl locusWeb lethal (wl)
The wo locusWobbly (wo)
The Ws locusRed whiteside (Ws), red neck (WsRh)
The wwg locusWhitewing gimpel (wwg)
The z locusGazzi (z), recessive white (zwh)Very likely more alleles at this locus.