Webbed feet in pigeons

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Webbed feet in pigeons

Post by AdamArcher »


There are at least two different mutations that can cause a pigeon to hatch with webbed feet or fused toes.

The first is web foot. This is an autosomal recessive mutation, which means that for a pigeon to hatch with webbed feet both parents must carry the gene. Depending on the extent of the webbing, the bird may or may not have mobility issues, and some breeders actually find web foot to be useful on feather-footed breeds.

Another is web lethal. As the name indicates, this sex-linked gene is lethal when homozygous (or hemizygous in hens). Affected pigeons usually die before or soon after hatching.
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Re: Webbed feet in pigeons

Post by Journey »

I just found a squab with webbed toes in my loft and I'm trying to decide if it's a bad thing or not. I have both common homers and racing pigeons and will be focusing on the racing birds going forward (although I'm keeping my favorite homers). Its nestmate has regular toes.

One webpage presented it as something to avoid altogether, but most of the other reading I've done it came across as neutral and/or only bad if it prevented the bird from walking correctly.

The hen from the pairing is one I'm not planning on keeping, anyway, but I was going to keep the cock and the squab with the webbed toes has nicer checking than its nestmate; but am I better off moving all of them along?
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Re: Webbed feet in pigeons

Post by AdamArcher »

I'd agree that it is "neutral" and would only worry if it was inhibiting the bird walking etc.
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