Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
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- Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
Hello there! Im from the Philippines, and I'm still not sure of my pigeon's gene color. I've watched the closest genetic topics of this color on Mister Adam Archer's videos, but I can't still trace it. Can anyone help me to finally confrim it? I'd really appreciate it
Thanks a lot! 

- AdamArcher
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Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
I'm not sure it is either, it could be indigo perhaps. What were the parents?
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- Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
Unfortunately, I don't know its parents, 'cause I've just bought him from someone and I don't have a chance to ask what were its parents.
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- Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
Actually, here are some other pictures of him. For a clearer visual
- AdamArcher
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Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
I think it is ash red, but perhaps also heterozygous recessive red or indigo also
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- Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
A'right! Thanks for the info! By the way, I've paired him to my pure white hen. I guess it'll get more harder for me to know its real color, didn't I? As you said, we don't know what white hides underneath it. Do you think I could have answers from the color of its offsprings?
- AdamArcher
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Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
It could give you an indication, just wait and see 
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:14 am
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
thanks a lot for this! Happy flying! 
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- Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:38 pm
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
Hello there! I'm Jervin. Just lost my old account here, that's why it's different now. I juat wanna show the first offspring of this cock above. I'm still confuse tho. Can anyone help me know its color? Or maybe both of them. Thanks!
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:38 pm
Re: Is it an ash red? Or a recessive red? Or an indigo?
Here are some photos of its offspring. Unfortunately, only one had survived, the other one died short after it hatched from its egg